Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Gelli Plate printing

Gelli Printing with Yvonne

Table all laid out and ready to start

First a lesson on the colour wheel
Identifying Tints and Tones

This is the Gelli plate, solid but pliable as well

After paint is applied to the plate then fabric or paper can be printed

some effects on papaer

and on fabric

This is an example of how the technique can be built up with heat and stitch
Using Lutradour as the base.

some more samples

an engaged audience

Some of the tools used.

Thank you Yvonne I think quite a few of our members would like to try this.
you will find instructions here on how to make your own Gelli plate

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Vintage Morning

A lovely morning courtesy of War on Want
I will let the pictures speak for themselves

our wonderful compere and a very upright citizen in their Victorian outfits

Husbands nightshirt elicited many giggles and suggestions !

Very proper underwear

Beautiful jet beading and embroidery

A small muff complete with box

Ayrshire Embroidery on a Christening gown

Storks / Cranes given as a wedding gift

gift given by the Queen to the soldiers in the 1st World War

A littleBelgian Lady in Night gown and shawl

An evening at the Opera

Note the Dead Bird ...........High fashion 

Hand embroidered post cards

Thank you ladies for a very entertaining morning