Friday, 14 June 2013

Summer Break.

Yesterday was our last day at Harmony Hill before the Summer Break begins.
Already we are thinking about September as we move in to our 30th year and a Pearl Anniversary.
With that in mind our theme for the Annual Exhibition 2014 is,  'The World Is Your Oyster.'
The subject for the Christmas competition, 'Deck The Halls', was also chosen and is to be a decoration no bigger than a shoe box!

Although some of us are already on a break, some of us just keep on crafting.

                                                           There was silk painting.



                                                                  Knitting silk/ mohair.


Construction and Bling.



Knitting cables.


Knitting socks.



                                                                       Knitting Aran.



Laura brought in meringues with cream and fresh fruit. No time for photos as they were all gobbled up!

Some members of our group also belong to the NIEG held monthly at The Folk and Transport Museum, Cultra.
On Saturday 18th May Maggie Grey  (now don't get that confused with our own Maggie Gray!)  held a Talk- 'Surface and Stitch' and a Workshop - 'Dissolvable Delights'. The ladies that attended were impressed and came in the following Thursday 'buzzing' about it.

 Maggie Grey blogs about  her visit to NI here.

Harmony Hill Craft Group will be back on Thursday 5th September, 2013.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

HHCG AGM 2013.

Whoever had the bright idea of having a Pot Luck Lunch after the AGM every year was onto a winner!
I think I'd be right in saying that the prospect of a delicious lunch ensures a good attendance.

It was a lovely sunny day, the summer clothes were out, and for some of us the heat was all too much!

The Cup was shining. The meeting commenced.

Apologies, Minutes, Matters Arising, Secretary's Report, Treasurer's Report, Librarian's Report.
Retiring Chairperson's Remarks, Any Other Business, Election of 2013/2014 Office Bearer's.

When is it time for the food?

Election of Committee, the new Chairperson's Remarks.
Talk of 'themes' for next year's exhibition, stewarding the exhibition, attendance, thanks to all who help throughout the year, the Christmas competition, the Outing.

But when is it time for the food?!  Not to mention Myrtle had a boat to catch.

Presentation of a cheque for £500 to Fibromyalgia Support NI.

Presentation of the 'Visitors' Choice' Cup to Mary Conn for her Fabric Book, 'If I Were A Butterfly'.
(Apologies to Mavis for a fuzzy photo - I had a fingerprint on the lens).

You can view Mary's book here.

Mary and Mavis

                                Now it  must be time for the food!   The table was groaning.

A well behaved queue formed.

There were some very colourful savoury dishes.

                                                   Followed by .... Delicious Desserts!

                                  Next Thursday 13th June is our last meeting before the Summer Break.