Friday, 22 February 2013

Janet's Teapot.

                   * Next week, Thursday 28th February, we have 'Members' Stories'. *

Funny how things happen - I was looking through a book Patsy brought in yesterday by Lynda Monk, a mixed-media textile artist. Have a look at Lynda's blog (under the name of Purple Missus).

 I thought that the fly in Lynda's book looked just like this fly (below).
 It was on the lid of Janet's shoe box that she'd brought in.            
 I wondered if Lynda Monk had traced her design from a box the same as this as they were so alike.

Janet was wearing the boots she'd bought in FLY.

There's a fly embossed in the leather.

Look what's in the shoe box now!

A quirky teapot.

There's a nice paper lining in the box and the tissue paper is printed all over with flys'. 
 I can see a compass, Big Ben, a  London bus, The Shard, The London Eye, The Houses of Parliament and Tower Bridge.

There's inspiration for design everywhere - you just have to open your eyes and look around you. 

This is the third fantastic teapot Janet has made and now she's thinking about making another one to add to her collection!

Friday, 15 February 2013

Morning coffee.

After last weeks tea party and cake sale it was a quiet morning yesterday.
Well that's not quite right - Harmony Hill ladies are never quiet!
It was noisy in the kitchen where we make our mug of tea or coffee.
We usually bring in our own mugs and look how colourful they are.
Lovely bright patterns and clever designs.

There's always a queue in the kitchen and plenty of chat.

Don't get the wrong idea though.

We don't just sit around drinking tea on a Thursday morning.

We're busy as bees, knitting and stitching.

Today we were reminded it's time to think about making a bird, bee or butterfly (or a ladybird) for our exhibition in May.

Our theme this year is "Flights of Fancy'.

I looked up the definition. ...
 'an idea which shows a lot of imagination but which is not practical or useful in real situations'.

Don't panic.
Traditionally, we can interpret our themes whatever way we like!
                        No need to be sheepish.

 I'll tell you what I think.

 Flights of Fancy = Things with Wings.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Mavis's Tea Party.

The Harmony Hill ladies have been busy baking for Mavis's Tea Party, you'd have thought it was the 'Great British Bake Off ' yesterday.

There was a great variety of cakes, or is it bakes?  As Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood were otherwise engaged we had to judge our own baking.

We taste tested it all, along with our morning coffee, before the cake sale took place.

It's not the first time we've made cakes.
We did have an 'Afternoon Tea' here, but you couldn't eat it!

Our cake sale raised £77 for Fybromyalgia Support NI.


Not everyone was eating cake! Sylvia was stitching...

Sylvia's embroidery
Sharon was being creative...

Sharon's bird

                     ...and Patsy's pink bird has now been identified as a 'Duster' bird .
                     I hope he won't be confined to a cupboard until visitors are coming!

                   During his short life he's undergone a few changes - it's 'Work In Progress.'


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Cake Sale.

There was a change of date for 'Mavis's Tea Party' and it is now being held this Thursday 7th.
It's a Cake Sale and fundraiser so hope everyone will be busy baking cakes, biscuits or tray bakes!
If you like, you can bring your recipe too.
It's £1 for your morning coffee and cake - and money raised goes towards our charity for this year Fibromyalgia Support NI.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Felting demo.

Our group mostly do our own demonstrations. Some of us take to it like ducks to water and for others it can be quite daunting.
Today it was Elizabeth's turn to be nervous! We all gathered round to see how she was going to make a felt bowl.

 Things you need: towels, bubble wrap,  merino wool, soapy water, a bamboo mat and notes.

    Well, Pamela took the notes and I took the photographs, while Elizabeth was busy making the bowl.
a circle 'resist' using packaging material

adding in another colour of wool

spraying on the soapy suds before lots of gentle rubbing

and rolling 
Vivienne wondered if this was a special rolling pin for felting?
Her background as a Domestic Science teacher didn't allow for pastry with ridges!

Well, Elizabeth needn't have worried about her demonstration as her bowl was a success -  and here are  some more bowls she has made (some being turned into hats for her dolls).

There was also a lovely felted bag and purse for us to look at.

If you want to find out more about felt making and makers there was this lovely book 'Profiles In Felt'.

 You can find out about Feltmakers Ireland here.