Thursday, 17 January 2013

'All Change'.

Today was all about moving out of our 'comfort zone'.
That just means moving from our usual seat and sitting beside someone else, for a change.
Most of us took up the challenge, a few of us stayed put! Well that's fine, it isn't compulsory.
Someone commented it sounded like a rookery, there was so much noise and chat going on.
Really it doesn't matter who you choose to sit beside because we are all pieced together through our love of craftwork.

'English' patchwork
One of our members, who hasn't been able to attend for a while, returned to the group today.
Everyone was happy just to see her back and sitting in her usual seat.

Judy informed us of some Winter Talks at Portmore Lough Reserve.
Can anyone identify Patsy's charming little bird?

Thursday, 10 January 2013

A Crafty Group.

Our group members are always busy at something and it's good to see lots of work going on after the Christmas break.

Laura's scissor keepers stitched on plastic canvas - some of us hung them on our Christmas trees 

Yvonne is stitching a memory picture of a Welsh mining village
and a close up shows some ribbon weaving

Dorothy likes to make small pieces using wire and beads

Margaret, our Librarian, stitching a squirrel in cross stitch

Mavis, our Chair Person, an expert on all kinds of lace making

Elizabeth likes miniature work and stitching with wool, she makes brooches and dolls

Ann is working on a project taken from 'Stitch' magazine, it's embroidery and applique on a silk painted background
when finished it should look like the magazine picture in the background 

Audrey's knitting

Anna's knitting

Maureen's knitting using a vintage Aran pattern

Pamela is making felt brooches

Just a snippet of the variety of crafts that go on at Harmony Hill.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year... New Blog.

The Harmony Hill Craft Group meet on a Thursday morning in the Island Arts Centre, Lisburn, from September - June.

Island Arts Centre

There are some previous posts relating to the Harmony Hill Craft Group  here.